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Android training in hyderabad

Android online training , Android course content , Android online training in Hyderabad, best android training, learn android from experts,  Android online demo, android projects support, android projects implementation with low prices

                                               Android Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Android
o What is Android?
o Setting up development environment
o Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension
o Fundamentals:
a. Basic Building blocks - Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers
b. UI Components - Views & notifications
c. Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters
o Android API levels (versions & version names)

Chapter 2: Application Structure (in detail)
o AndroidManifest.xml
o uses-permission & uses-sdk
o Resources &
o Assets
o Layouts & Drawable Resources
o Activities and Activity lifecycle
o First sample Application
Android Training Course Syllabus ipsr solutions ltd

Chapter 3: Emulator-Android Virtual Device
o Launching emulator
o Editing emulator settings
o Emulator shortcuts
o Logcat usage
o Introduction to DDMS
o Second App:- (switching between activities)
an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents

Chapter 4: Basic UI design
o Form widgets
o Text Fields
o Layouts
o [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px and Examples
Chapter 5: Preferences
o Shared Preferences
o Preferences from xml
o Examples

Chapter 6: Menu
o Option menu
o Context menu
o Sub menu
o menu from xml
o menu via code
o Examples

Chapter 7: Intents (in detail)
o Explicit Intents
o Implicit intents
o Examples

Chapter 8: UI design
o Time and Date
o Images and media
o Composite
o AlertDialogs & Toast
o Popup
o Examples

Chapter 9: Tabs and Tab Activity
o Examples

Chapter 10: Styles & Themes
o styles.xml
o drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)
o style attribute in layout file
o Applying themes via code and manifest file
o Examples

Chapter 11: Content Providers
o SQLite Programming
o SQLiteOpenHelper
o SQLiteDatabse
o Cursor
o Reading and updating Contacts
o Reading bookmarks

o Example :
an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented.
Final details should be viewed in GridView as well as in ListView.

Chapter 12: Adapters andWidgtes
o Adapters:-
a. ArrayAdapters
b. BaseAdapters
o ListView and ListActivity
o Custom listview
o GridView using adapters
o Gallery using adapters
o Examples

Chapter 13: Notifications
o Broadcast Receivers
o Services and notifications
o Toast
o Alarms
o Examples

Chapter 14: Custom components
o Custom Tabs
o Custom animated popup panels
o Other components
o Examples

Chapter 15: Threads
o Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
o Worker thread
o Handlers & Runnable
o AsynTask (in detail)
o Examples

Chapter 16: Advanced
o Live Folders
o Using sdcards
o XML Parsing
o JSON Parsing
o Maps, GPS, Location based Services
o Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS)
o Network connectivity services

o Sensors

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